Boolean Logic
True, False, and Beyond
Boolean Logic
- Everything starts with the idea that a statement is either True or False
- Then we can combine those initial statements to create more complex statements that also evaluate to True or False
Comparison Operators
Operator | Name | Example | Result |
> | Greater than | x > 10 | false |
>= | Greater than or equal to | x >= 5 | true |
< | Less than | x < -50 | false |
<= | Less than or equal to | x <= 100 | true |
== | Equal to | x == "5" | true |
!= | Not equal to | x != "b" | true |
=== | Equal value and type | x === "5" | false |
!== | Not equal value or equal type | x !== "5" | true |
Assuming x = 5
Equality Operators
== vs. ===
var x = 99;
x == "99" //true
x === "99" //false
var y = null;
y == undefined //true
y === undefined //false
"==" performs type coercion, while "===" does not
A Few Interesting Cases
true == "1" //true
0 == false //true
null == undefined //true
NaN == NaN //false
Logical Operators
AND, OR, and NOT
Operator | Name | Example | Result |
&& | AND | x < 10 && x !== 5 | false |
|| | OR | y > 9 || x === 5 | true |
! | NOT | !(x === y) | true |
Assuming x = 5 and y = 9
Exercise 1
var x = 10;
var y = "a"
y === "b" || x >= 10
Exercise 2
var x = 3;
var y = 8;
!(x == "3" || x === y) && !(y != 8 && x <= y)
Truthy and Falsy Values
Values that aren't actually true or false, are still inherently "truthy" or "falsey" when evaluated in a boolean context
!"Hello World"
Try These Examples:
- false
- 0
- ""
- null
- undefined
- NaN
Everything Else Is Truthy
Truthy and Falsy Values
Falsy Values:
Exercise 3
var str = ""
var msg = "haha!"
var isFunny = "false"
!(( str || msg ) && isFunny)
Printer Friendly - Boolean Logic
By Colt Steele
Printer Friendly - Boolean Logic
- 2,299