Intro to HTML
- Write simple HTML documents
- Understand the difference between closing and self closing tags
- Write tags with attributes
- Use MDN as a reference
- Given an image, write the corresponding HTML
History of HTML
- Created in 1989/1990
- Allowed publishing and exchanging of scientific and technical documents
- Allowed electronic linking of documents via hyperlinks
<tagName> Some Content </tagName>
The General Rule
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Our metadata goes here -->
<!-- Our content goes here -->
Every HTML document we create will start with this boilerplate:
<!-- This is a comment. It doesn't do anything! -->
<h1>I'm a header </h1>
<h2>I'm a slightly smaller header </h2>
<h6>I'm the smallest header </h6>
<p>I'm a paragraph</p>
<button>I'm a button!</button>
<li>List Item 1</li>
<li>List Item 2</li>
<li>List Item 1</li>
<li>List Item 2</li>
Common Tags
Closing Tags
<h1>I need a closing tag </h1>
<p>Me too!</p>
Self-Closing Tags
<!-- No closing tag or inner text needed -->
<img src="corgi.png">
<link href="style.css">
<!-- Don't worry about what these tags do yet -->
Adding Additional Information To Tags
<img src="corgi.png">
<p class="selected">woof woof</p>
<a href="">Click me to go to Google</a>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<tag name="value"></tag>
<img src="corgi.png">

<a href="">Click me to go to Google</a>
<a href="">Click me to go to Reddit</a>
<a href="url">Link Text</a>
Printer Friendly - Intro to HTML
By Colt Steele
Printer Friendly - Intro to HTML
- 3,938