jQuery Animations


  • click()
  • keypress()
  • on()


jQuery's click() method is a quick and easy way to add a click listener to element(s)

//prints when item with id 'submit' is clicked
  console.log("Another click");

//alerts when ANY button is clicked
  alert("Someone clicked a button");


jQuery's keypress() method is a quick and easy way to add a keypress listener to element(s)

//listen for any keypress in any text input
  alert("text input keypress!");


jQuery's on() works similarly to addEventListener.​ It lets you specify the type of event to listen for.

//prints when item with id 'submit' is clicked
$('#submit').on('click', function(){
  console.log("Another click");

//alerts when ANY button is clicked
$('button').on('click', function(){
  console.log("button clicked!");


It's not just for click events.  on() supports all types of events

//double click event
$('button').on('dblclick', function(){
  alert("DOUBLE CLICKED!");

//drag start event
$('a').on('dragstart', function(){
  console.log("DRAG STARTED!");

//keypress event
$('input[type="text"').on('keypress', function(){
  alert("key press in an input!")

Why Use On()?

In most cases, click() and on('click') will both get the job done.  HOWEVER, there is one key difference:

  • click() only adds listeners for existing elements
  • on() will add listeners for all potential future elements
  • This will all make sense in the next video!